Monday, February 23, 2009

Better up close

Remember how I told you about the white puffle? well, it is so much cooler when you look at it on clubpenguin!
This is your last chance to see it,
P.S. clubpenguin ഫോര്‍ the ദസ് is അവെസോമേ! ഗോ ഗെറ്റ് it നോ!


Yo peoples, this is your last chance to visit the puffle party, cuz it ends tomorrow.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Possible secret level in beans

Don't you wish there was a new level in beans? Well I wish that if you caught the fist anvil in the game, you could play.......Anvil Counters. What do you think?
Your game guide,

hidden puffle

There is a puffle that is mysterious in this picture. Could it be another sign that the new puffle is white? Tell me.

The Mysterious White Puffle

I heard about it from another site, but I never believed it was true. If you want the pics, click here. but to see it for real like me, go to the dojo court yard, and wait about thirty minutes, it really was there! I found it at 7:30 Eastern Time.Also, don't you think that the meteor puffle that they put in the paper is a black puffle? the white puffle was my dream come true.
(Edited) Guess what! the white puffle is also at the bunnyhill sign at the mountain! Cool right?
Signing off,

puffle video

I found a puffle video on clubpenguin click here to see it. If you look closely you will see a white puffle in the herd of puffles. It appears at about two seconds before the blue puffle falls. I think it is at a minute ten seconds, enjoy. There is an awesome new language too. isn'tತ this sick? Here is my name Aquarious2 in this language. ಆಕುಅರಿಔಸ೨. I am putting all of the characters here now. I tried making a penguin with the characters, didn't work. too bad.
They are in the order of the alphabet.

ಐ ಬ ಕ ದ ಎ ಫ ಗ ಹ ಜ ಕ ಲ ಮ್ ಣ್ ಓ ಪ ಕ ರ ಸ ಟ್ ಉ ವ ವ ಕ್ಷ ಯ ಜ್

Second penguin design

Hey viewers, is this penguin better?

The penguin watcher, and game guide

Billy Bob finally found?

Click here to see billybob videos. Could he finally be on clubpenguin? Tell me if you meet him.
Thank you RedZzzzRocks for making this video.
Signing off,
the Penguin watcher and game guide

(A penguin)

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____________________3_ _ 3
___________________44 3_ 3
_________________3333 3_ 3
_______________-_____3__ 3

Friday, February 20, 2009

New better igloos catalog today

Today, there is a new better igloos catalog. They have a lot of red furniture, a rug map of clubpenguin, some game posters of thin ice, and Astro Barrier, puffle posters, and surprisingly, they have the pet items for real animals from the pet catalog. I wonder why. There is also a few hidden items, none are new though. On page 12(the Mexican page), click on the pinata, and you can buy the aquarium for 500 coins. On page 15(the snowforts page) you can get the green birdhouse by clicking on the castle wall on the right, the birdhouse costs 200 coins. On the18th page(Page 17 has a huge picture on it of a blue puffle in a chair), you can get the welcome mat by clicking on the velvet rope. The mat is 75 coins total.

Rockhopper is coming back

If you look through the telescope at the beacon, you will see the migrator. Maybe he will have the new puffle when he comes back!

Signing out,

Puffle Party Today

Today is the day of the puffle party. There is all puffles in the pet shop, green puffles at the beacon, yellow puffles that can paint your penguin at the lighthouse, red puffles in the cove, along with pirate bandannas, there are blue puffles, and a ball house at the forest, a puffle snowball fight at the snow forts, there is also a new puffle feeding area for the party where you throw puffle O's at puffles, it is next to the forts. There are dancing purple puffles at the night club, there is a black puffle party at the pool, and close the windows, and they catch fire. The pool is now a skate park. There are pink puffles at the iceburg jumping and diving.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Game Cheats

Aquagrabber:When you play aquagrabber, bring your pink puffle with you, and it will give you air bubbles when you need them, so it will be easier to win.

Thin ice:(Thank you nintendofreak1230) Click Here to see a video on how to win thin ice.

Astro barrier:click 1 to go to level ten from the start menu, click 2 to go to level 20, and click 3 to go to level 30. On level 30, and level 10, wait thirty seconds until a spaceship appears, shoot it, and you will go to secret and expert levels. It is one of the good games on clubpenguin.

Catchin' Waves: This game was the first game to let puffles in, bring your red puffle to surf in any wave except for the survival wave. There is a warning sign every time an iceberg might hit in survival. Also, take your surfboards with you to go faster.

Pizzatron 3000: If you click on one of the levers on the start page to this game, then you can make dessert pizzas, it also seems easier that way.

Beans: The most coins you can get is about 492 coins(4920 points), because you might die holding bags, but there is also a 80 coin bonus.

Jetpack Adventure:
If you beat this game without any coins or fuel, then you get 1000 coins.

Just have fun with it, click all of the buttons and records, and play for a few minutes, and you will get over 300 coins!

Hydro-Hopper(Ballistic Biscuit):
If you bring your wake board with you, you go faster and jump longer.

Rockhopper and the stowaway: skip to the last page to get a friendship bracelet.

My puffle: If you bring your puffle with you it will be the puffle in the game.
The hidden coin on page 1 is on the opposite side of the door. Open it all the way.
The hidden coin on page 2 is under the firefighter's hat.
The hidden coin on page 3 is Behind the penguin on the left's boots which are on its head. The rock moves the coin.
The hidden coin on page 4 is in the sky. Move the sky down to get it.
The hidden coin on page 5 is in the sky, again, except it moves this time.

Burnt Out Bulbs:
The hidden coin on page 1 appears after moving the hockey puck to the left of the page, off screen.
The hidden coin on page 2 is on the top left corner of the blackened picture.
The hidden coin on page 3 is inside the piano.
The hidden coin on page 4 appears when you click on Fred the cuckoo birds' clock.
The hidden coin on page 5 is really hard to get. Move the floor to the right, then the left, then up, then down.
The hidden coin on page 6 is found by matching the color of the dance floor to the puffle poster.
The hidden coin on page 7 is found when you lift up the face off part of the rink(the center).

Lime green dojo clean:
The hidden coin on page 1 is found when you throw the mop over the wall of the dojo then, wipe off the paint
The hidden coin on page 2 is found when you move the container of paint.
The hidden coin on page 3 is found when you move one of the paint bubbles until it disappears, revealing a coin.
The hidden coin on page 4 is found when you throw the penguin against the wall, so that gravity puts him on the ceiling. You then wipe of the paint on the left revealing a coin, and a broken ceiling.
The hidden coin on page 5 is found when you recreate the green light patter on the walls.
The hidden coin on page 6 is found when you move the paint bucket(again).
The hidden coin on page 7 is found when you click the light bulb, and go through a maze few times until the screen returns to normal. Now collect the coin.
The hidden coin on page 8 is found when you give the green penguin socks for her hands.

Ice fishing:
To get the most coins in ice fishing, first if you are a member, buy the special fishing rod at the sports shop, then, catch only gray fish until you have 56 fish. After, catch yellow fish until you have 59 fish. Next, wait until there are two yellow fish at the same time, catch both. You should have 61 fish. Three more fish should come.make sure you don't put the last one into your pile. Mullet will then come, and if you give him the fish on your line, you will get mullet and he is worth 100 coins. You should end with 576 coins total.

Dance contest:
Click on Cadence during the part where you choose your difficulty level to play under expert. Bring your purple puffle to get more coins.

If you are doing the first hill, then stay exactly one arrow to the right of the middle of the screen, to make it down almost the whole race without crashing. Once the log is in every space except the top left two, go to the middle, then the bottom.

Card jitzu:
Talk to Sensei to get your starter deck, after that remember, fire beats ice, ice beats water, and water beats fire.

Cart Surfing:
Go lime green to go extra fast. The move that is worth the most points is down, space.

Puffle Round Up:
Round up puffles. When a new puffle is coming, it usually appears in this game first.

Puffle cheats

Your puffle will do things like play, in its igloo by itself now, but when it does, its health will go down. There is a hidden item in the newest puffle catalog. A grey house(It is hidden in the blob next to the green house). The new house in the catalog is actually brown though.Could this mean that the new puffle is brown? We'll find out another day,
signing out


I'm am going to be posting clubpenguin cheats throughout the year, enjoy. Also, go to
signing out,