Well I have decided to tell you
people about the million coins glitch that was in my first poll. Here is how it works. Log into an ultimate safe chat server, and go to the nightclub. Click on Dance Contest, but before you touch it, use
tabs to visit you igloo.
Tabs are a button on your computer, click shift before tabs, and tabs highlights a link going up, just click tabs and it highlights a link going down. This cheat is all about timing. If you click tabs too soon, then click enter to visit your igloo, this cheat still works.
Remember go to the night club on an ultimate safe chat server, then use the tabs button to highlight things, once you get the box highlighted that is before the home icon, click on dance contest, right before you get there, get the tabs back up, and hit enter after highlighting home. You will end up in your igloo, and it will ask you if you want to dance. Make about a thousand coins, then click exit the game. It won't let you. Do it again, and you should have made some more coins. Keep going until you are satisfied with the amount of coins that you get.
{This glitch might not work soon}