Guess what? The medieval party is here! They kept all the same rooms, except I don't remember the first picture room.
Here is the party, the mountain as an 8-ball mirror that tells fortune, the cove has part of a treehouse, the entrance to the treehouse is in the forest, the lighthouse beacon and beach are the lair of an evil wizard and you can get the wizard's hat there, the petshop is ye old petshop, .Go to the boiler room to get the crown pin, just like last year, there is a dragon in the mine, the forts are battle forts, andthe ice rink/soccer pitch is an arena. I wish there were roman helmets though. Also, the pizza parlor a portal to the cave which is filled with gold. Go through the gate to join the knights quest.
In the quest, first, step on all the tiles to light up the orbs. Then, in the next room, grab the golden shield, and hit fifty targets. After, in the next room, grab the knights helmet, and go down, left, down, right, right, up, and you will be in the last room. Grab the golden armor, and do whatever after that. Ill have the play cheats tomorrow,
The link was an accident, don't know how it got there.